UMinho Editora, is an institutional project, coordinated at the by the rectory, operated by the University's documentation services, being endowed with its own objectives and budget, which aims to publish books in digital format and/or paper format, making available to students, teachers and researchers of higher education, as well as to the general public, texts of high scientific and educational quality and works of scientific, artistic and cultural dissemination, contributing to promote the development of teaching and research and consolidate the reputation and image of UMinho at national and international level.
In accordance with the general guidelines of scientific, educational and cultural policy established by the competent governing bodies of the University, UMinho Editora has the following objectives:
a) Implement UMinho's editorial policy;
b) Promote the development of teaching, scientific research and the dissemination of knowledge, by promoting culture and citizenship;
c) To consolidate the reputation and image of UMinho at national and international level, through the valorisation and dissemination of knowledge and the promotion of scientific culture, reinforcing the articulation between science, technology, culture and society;
d) To publish works of scientific, educational, artistic and cultural interest, within different collections and series, preserving the interests and history of existing editions, framed in the different organic units of the University and in the policy regarding the institutional repository e RepositóriUM;
e) Promote the dissemination of the history and heritage of UMinho;
f) To develop activities and promote initiatives that fit into a policy of development and financial sustainability of the Publisher.